Monday, December 30, 2019

Business environment analysis Ryanair - 1844 Words

Report: An Analysis of Ryanair’s business environment Introduction: Ryanair is Europe’s leading low cost airline. It currently operates over 1600 flights per day to 180 destinations in 29 countries. It has achieved this through developing and marketing itself as Europe’s only ultra-low cost carrier (ULCC). This has seen its profits rise by 13% for the fiscal year ending 2013 to over â‚ ¬569million and its passenger traffic grow by 5% to over 79.3 million people, this being in spite of an increase in fuel cost by â‚ ¬292million. In this report we will carry out both an Industrial and an Environmental analysis of Ryanair with the help of a number of academic analysis tools and frameworks which will help us to examine both the Micro and the†¦show more content†¦Again if we look at the annual financial report for 2013 we can see Ryanair open 7 new bases and 217 new routes for the year ending 2013. Acquiring new Fleet Again Ryanair has been very effective in exploiting the reduced demand for aircraft due to many failing airlines as a result of the economic downturn. Ryanair has been able to acquire many new aircrafts to meet its needs not only now but in the future at very favourable prices. In the year ending 2013 they were able to put a deal in place with airplane manufacturers Boeing to provided them with 175 new planes growing their overall fleet to 410 aircrafts which will result in growing their traffic by 39% to 110million people by 2019. Threats Fuel Hedging One of the main threats facing Ryanair is the unstable nature of the global oil markets. Ryanair like many other airlines engages in a practice called ‘Hedging’ when it comes to purchasing its fuel. This involves buying large quantities of fuel at a agreed price over a set period of time e.g. one year. Ryanair has already hedged 90% of it oil for the fiscal year 2014 at $98 per barrel which is set to see its overall fuel costs rises by over â‚ ¬200 million. If the price of oil were to fall considerably due to unforeseen circumstance Ryanair could be in big trouble. Climatic Factors Climatic factors have had a serious impact upon the operations of many EuropeanShow MoreRelatedAnalysis of Ryanair and Its Business Environment1871 Words   |  7 Pagesassignment, I will be analysing Ryanair Airline and its business environment. Ryanair is a low-cost Irish airline that has its headquarters in Swords, County Dublin, Ireland and was established in 1984. According to, Ryanair operates more 1600 daily flights from over 68 bases across 1600 routes with 186 destinations in 30 countries. 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Analysis of the Business Environment In order to analyze the airline industry, we need to conduct the PESTEL Analysis. Political and Legal - Regulations for the air travel industry are getting even more stringent. The European Union authorities demand that airlines operate in an open, transparent manner. Any state subsidies to airline companies are prohibited in order to make working conditions equal to anyone and to boost competition in the industryRead MoreRyanair SWOT1341 Words   |  6 Pagesï » ¿TASK 2 - SWOT ANALYSIS A SWOT analysis is a study which can be undertaken in order to identify an organisation’s, product’s, or service’s internal Strengths and Weaknesses, and also its external Opportunities and Threats. A SWOT analysis focuses on the micro environment of one of the above entities, i.e. â€Å"factors which the organisation has some control over†. – Business Management Course Text, AIT Ireland (2013-20134). SWOT ANALYSIS OF RYANAIR Strengths Weaknesses Lowest Cost Base of anyRead MoreSwot Analysis Of Ryanair862 Words   |  4 PagesManagement in the airline company Ryanair. To provide a background information of organisational structure, their vision, mission and strategic goals. Outline the key challenges and opportunities faced by their Human Resource Management. Table of Contents HR Strategy in Ryanair 6 Ryanair HR Planning 7 Managerial Judgement 7 Delphi Technique 8 HR Audit 8 Global Macro Environment (PEST) 9 Political/Legal 9 Economic 9 Technological 9 Socio- Cultural 9 The Competitive Environment 10 (Porter’s 5 CompetitiveRead MoreRyanair Irish Low Cost Airline: Current Market Position Essay1349 Words   |  6 Pages Ryanair is one of Irish low cost airline, with headquarters in Dublin International Airport and its largest operational bases at Dublin International Airport and London Stansted Airport. It currently employs a team of 5,961 people, comprising over 25 different nationalities.Ryanair began operations in 1985, carrying over 5,000 passengers on its lone route between Waterford Airport (South Eastern Ireland) and London Gatwick in its first year. The company continued to expand over the following years

Saturday, December 21, 2019

The Ethical Dilemma Of Genetic Testing - 1088 Words

Genetic Testing Bethany Espinosa Chamberlain College of Nursing July Session 2015 Genetic testing has brought about many changes in the way many couples look at conceiving and raising families. Through genetic testing you are able to screen for the increased chance that a fetus may have one of many congenital disorders, or even identify gene changes that are responsible for a disease that has already been diagnosed (Genetic Testing, March 2015). Unfortunately genetic testing is not always exact, in some cases giving parents false negatives or false positive results. Even if the results are accurate, there is the burden of knowledge once you know the results indicate a genetic abnormality such as Down’s syndrome. While caring for a 2 year old male patient with developmental delays and anotia, I learned that genetic testing had been started but never completed on the child. Genetic testing could help to identify genetic disorders that led to the child’s developmental delays and possible future disorders that may develop. The ethical dilemma I will be d iscussing to the ANA Ethical dilemma of the impact of informed consent of genetic testing on children for adult onset diseases and disorders. Genetic testing identifies changes in ones genes and chromosomes. These changes often lead to diagnoses of conditions, disorders, or diseases. Through testing, â€Å"one can confirm or rule out a suspected genetic condition or help determine a person’s chance of developing orShow MoreRelatedThe Ethical Dilemmas of Genetic Testing for Huntingtons Disease3496 Words   |  14 PagesThe Ethical Dilemmas of Genetic Testing for Huntingtons Disease INTRODUCTION Huntingtons Disease (HD) is an autosomal dominant, progressive, neurodegenerative disorder (Walker, 2007 and Harmon, 2007). The gene that causes the disease is located on the fourth chromosome and causes an abnormal number of repeats in the patients genetic code (Harmon, 2007). Huntingtons Disease can have devastating effects on patients quality of life. The first symptoms of HD generally start between the agesRead MoreFetal Alcohol Syndrome1415 Words   |  6 PagesGenetic and Reproductive Sciences Abstract This paper is based on genetic and reproductive science and their benefits and limitations regarding individuals, families, and society. The paper covers the screening and treatment for diabetes and what methods are used to prevent it development. The paper also contains information regarding In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) and its benefits for individuals and families. The use stems cells and its advantages and disadvantages are also mentioned. Read More Ethical Dilemmas of Genetic Prenatal Screening Essay679 Words   |  3 Pagesis about the genetic structuring of our offspring. I ask myself, will we able to choose the physical features our child? If so, do we as a society think this will be an ethical practice? Perhaps, scientifically, this might be entirely possible, but law will most likely restrict it. An article written by Frederic Golden helped me draw some understanding on this hot topic. Golden commences his article with a brief story of a mother and father who have been through prenatal testing. They testedRead MoreEthics And The Field Of Healthcare1542 Words   |  7 PagesEthical Issues Related to Genetics in Nursing Genetic research is imperative to the field of healthcare. Genetic research enables healthcare providers to have a better understanding of many genetic diseases and the components of those diseases. This research aids in early detection, prevention, treatments, and sometimes cures. Without the use of genetic research, healthcare would be at a standstill. Genetic and genome healthcare is a powerful tool. As with anything powerful, it often puts theRead MoreEthics Of Computing And The Internet1173 Words   |  5 PagesUniversity of the People Inside the topic of health care system ethic is implicit the pregnancy dilemma. This wide topic can include hundreds of pages; herein we are going to cover principal’s data of this essential topic in today’s lives. Pregnancy includes a debate for more than 4 decades and some topics that affect not only mothers even child, there are many dilemmas surrounding this controversial topic, where some argue one specific thing and much other argue another thingsRead MoreEthics Of Computing And The Internet1173 Words   |  5 PagesUniversity of the People Inside the topic of health care system ethic is implicit the pregnancy dilemma. This wide topic can include hundreds of pages; herein we are going to cover principal’s data of this essential topic in today’s lives. Pregnancy includes a debate for more than 4 decades and some topics that affect not only mothers even child, there are many dilemmas surrounding this controversial topic, where some argue one specific thing and much other argue another thingsRead MoreCase Analysis: Danville Airlines1259 Words   |  5 PagesIntroduction Danville Airlines has created an ethical and legal dilemma by not being accurate, precise and clear on how they are doing medical testing, causing undue stress and potentially career-ending circumstances for David Reiger, one of their best pilots. What Danville did was illegal and unethical due to negligence. David Reiger has every right to sue them to continue flying, and the medical evidence suggests that the Huntingtons disease gene can be dormant for decades before being activeRead MoreGenetic Testing : Is We Ready Yet? Essay1740 Words   |  7 Pages GENETIC TESTING- ARE WE READY YET? As exciting as it sounds, genetic testing can give a complete insight of what one’s genetic makeup beholds for his/her future. However this comes with a price that can potentially make or break the life thereafter. Highly accurate genetic testing is a huge step; however, such a success can be fruitful only if the after effects are efficiently managed. Accurate prediction of possible socio-economic and psychological effects and devising efficient management strategiesRead MoreThe Human Genome Project : A Research Project1097 Words   |  5 Pagesunderstanding of how to build an individual (Genetics Home Reference 2014a). The Human Genome Project made several claims which included to complete sequencing and mapping the genomes of organisms and the ethical, legal and social consideration related to it. (U.S. DOE Human Genome Project 2013). One example of a claim made by the human genome project is to be able to map and sequence the genome of standard organisms. Maps are used to identify the genetic arrangement of organisms. It’s not possibleRead MoreUsing Genetic Testing For Breast Cancer1497 Words   |  6 Pagescontains which includes the genetic code for your body. If there are any changes in the genetic code- DNA and RNA molecules that carry genetic information in the living body, there will be an effect in the function of the genes which will result in mutation. Many inherited mutations have little to no effect on a persons health. However, there can still be a higher risk of breast cancer. In the book What You Need to Know Now recommends in case of a high risk many use genetic testing. This test is used to

Friday, December 13, 2019

Michelangelo’s David Free Essays

Introduction: I. Michelangelo’s David A. First supporting information for the sub-topic 1. We will write a custom essay sample on Michelangelo’s David or any similar topic only for you Order Now Description of Michelangelo’s masterpiece 2. Detail of the statue of David B. Renaissance Period 1. European civilization 2. The story of David II. Political Implications A. First supporting information for the sub-topic 1. The artist 2. influence of the ‘contrapposto’ style B. The symbol of Renaissance sculptures 1. â€Å"Great and Heroic† 2. Michelangelo saw himself as a master III. Timeless Art A. Michelangelo’s work of art 1. Florentine humanists 2. Medieval supernaturalism B. Predominant social philosophy 1. The practical measure of all things 2. The worship of beauty ? THESIS Michelangelo’s David, is the most timeless and famous work of art of the renaissance period. Not only was the outcome of the art work a masterpiece, but also the artist himself was one of the most influential people within that time period. The work of Michelangelo influenced history. An entire civilization was affected by the creation and the symbolism of Michelangelo’s David. Michelangelo’s David Annotated Bibliography Keliner F. S, Gardner H. , ; Mamiya C. J. (1995) Gardner’s Art Through the Ages: This book presents a detailed depiction of the art work and events that surrounded Michelangelo’s statue of David. It includes a historical timeline that parallels the influence that works of art had in the renaissance era. It describes the artistic events that changed history in such a way that you can get the essence of what went on at the time. Also, in the text itself, it gives definitive explanations to what is happening at the time so that you can understand fully what the artist is saying or where he is coming from. Gill A. (2004) Il Gigante: Michelangelo, Florence, and the David 1492-1504: This book is a well-researched work of history, from a political and artistic point of view. I find the author’s technique of bringing the reader into Michelangelo’s world very effective. The author demonstrates concretely how Renaissance politics and maneuvering affected Michelangelo on many levels. The history described in this story is very detailed and supports my thesis. Scigliano E. (2005) Michelangelo’s Mountain: The Quest for Perfection in the Marble Quarries of Carrara: This book contains the story of Michelangelo’s search for the stone he wanted, his continuing relationship with the city where he found it, and that city today. Only recently the seventeen foot tall statue of David was restored, and the world was reminded of all its beauty. The author reminds us of the risks taken by quarrymen and by Michelangelo himself as they worked together to find the perfect stone, one that would do justice to Michelangelo’s vision. Wallace W. E. (1998) Michelangelo: The Complete Sculpture, Painting, Architecture: This book includes very detailed pictures accompanied comments and/or information about Michelangelo’s David. This five volume series reproduces about 100 articles and close to one hundred photographs in each volume. CONCLUSION Michelangelo’s David was not just a carved sculpture of a great man. Michelangelo’s David embodied the very meaning of the word renaissance. The statue of David was the reason for the fame and fortune that followed this great artist. The influence of this particular piece of Michelangelo is so great that there have been many a replicas of the original installed all over the world. How to cite Michelangelo’s David, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Response to Euro Crisis

Question: Describe about the response to the major financial crisis that took place in European Union region? Answer: Response to Euro Crisis In response to the major financial crisis that took place in European Union region, both the banking system and the supervisory structure of the region took stern measures to put in corrective checks. However it can be debated whether the measures were adequate and what more or different could have been done in the prevailing situation. The debt crisis exposed structural weakness in some of the countries of the region, primary being the unsustainable levels of both public and private debt. The financial crisis was also able to expose the systematic shortcomings in the detailed architecture of the monetary and economic union in the region. National Governments of the region along with institutions took slew of measures to safeguard the financial stability and also to strengthen the architecture of the institutions (Arezki, 2011). The complexity of financial integration in the Euro zone and the significance of the same cannot be decoded without understanding the complex structure on which the Euro zone is standing. The establishment of the single currency in the region followed by the Governance structure leads to formation of contagion on the whole region even if the small part of the whole region is making trouble (Ruffert, 2011). Capital markets and reactions on release of financial statement Capital market reactions are one of the major indicators, but it is a not the right place to play with. It is a secondary market and hence will react to any information released by the company be it financial performance or details about accounting policies. Announcements which are perceived to maximize shareholders value is considered to be positive and hence share price rise, however announcements which erodes shareholders value tend to have negative impact on the stock prices. However it is not in the interest of the company to twinkle with such informations to gain returns in the stock market as it is against the CPA code of conduct. Information about the organization should be presented as is to the shareholders and the transparency in the system is considered to be of prime importance. The structure of The European Union and its banking structure is based on the framework that each member country will support the existence of the other in times of crisis. However in the current situation countries like Germany which have healthy GDP to debt ratio are financing the needs of country like Greece and Spain which are struggling in the region. This has led to rise of the question whether the structure is good enough to survive the down time. References: Crown Vs Clarke. (1927). Retrieved September 17th, 2014, from HPC Benefit. (n.d.). Retrieved Sep 9th, 2014, from Lease Accounting. (n.d.). Retrieved September 22, 2014, from FASB: Relation, E. I. (2014). Retrieved August 29th, 2014, from